About us

Wictor produces and sells manicure and pedicure cutting tools

WictorWictor is an Italian company that has been producing and selling manicure and pedicure cutting tools for professional beauty and podiatry use since 1989. The company is based in Maniago, in the north-east of Italy, in the so-called “Knife District”, an area that boasts a long tradition in the production of blades and knives, handed down from generation to generation.

Wictor is a family business started over thirty years ago by Vittorio Di Bon and now run by his children Enrica and Renato, the former as the manager of the company and the latter in charge of the technological and production aspect. Thanks to their engagement Wictor has become the professional reference point for the beauty and podiatry industry. Nippers, tweezers, scissors, gouges, manicure and pedicure tools: for all our tools we guarantee excellent performances and maximum safety.

WictorThe two company divisions, Wictor and Wictor Professional, offer the best technical and technological solutions tailored on the needs of each professional or beauty salon. For this reason every product is carefully designed, combining the most suitable steel with the study of ergonomics. The result is a range of tools providing an optimal balance between handling, precision and durability.

Research and development are two fundamental values in Wictor: all the company's employees are committed on a daily basis to proposing professional tools, which are more and more precise, resistant and durable.

WictorIn particular, we are specialized in the production of nippers and tweezers. Thanks to the experience gained in these decades, we have reached top levels in the techniques of tool sharpening, which allow for a greater precision in cutting, in total safety. This is the reason why great attention is paid to the sharpness of the nippers, which are sharpened and checked one by one by our personnel.

Wictor’s brand excellence is the result of a centuries-old tradition in an area renown for blade production. Wictor is an established company both on the Italian and the European market. It produces and sells durable cutting tools for professional manicures and pedicures, as well as for the beauty industry.

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© 2025 WICTOR SRL - All Rights Reserved - Site credits: blendgroup.it

Finanziamento concesso: € 8.530,00
Spesa ammessa: € 17.060,00
Descrizione: Wictor Srl vuole, attraverso questo progetto, rafforzare la propria immagine sul web, realizzando e mettendo in rete un nuovo sito "istituzionale" e un ulteriore sito completamente dedicato alle attività di e-commerce. Tali nuovi siti di Wictor srl saranno progettati e realizzati secondo i più moderni ed innovativi concetti di qualità e di efficacia di un sito WEB.
Obiettivo: Wictor Srl intende far crescere il proprio business tramite una forte presenza sul WEB. Essendo la società contemporanea sempre più legata a messaggi provenienti dalla rete, un’azienda al passo coi tempi non può più prescindere dall’utilizzare tutti gli strumenti a disposizione per attirare più clienti ed espandere il proprio business.
Risultati: L’obiettivo ultimo di Wictor Srl è quello di rafforzare la propria presenza su web entrando più facilmente in contatto con gli utenti target. Wictor Srl si attende un incremento di fatturato nel medio periodo grazie al forte consolidamento della propria competitività nel mercato globale.