Privacy and cookies


AS FOR ARTICLES 13-14 OF EU REG. 2016/679


We inform you that we will process your personal data according to principles of correctness, lawfulness, transparency and protection of your privacy and your rights and we inform you of the following:


DATA CONTROLLER is  Wictor srl

 Email :




Type of data processed


The treatment concerns the following data:

  • Identification data
  • Contact details (email, telephone numbers, social media, etc.)
  • Bank/tax details
  • Data relating to consumer habits


Purpose of the treatment


Personal data treatment is carried out for the following purposes:

  • correct and complete execution of the contract and related obligations;
  • fulfilment of legal obligations imposed by current legislation;
  • fulfilment of fiscal and tax obligations;
  • marketing activities;
  • customer satisfaction;
  • information activity to the customer.


Treatment Legal Basis


Legal basis of these treatment is the fulfilment of the services inherent to the established contractual relationship, compliance with legal obligations and the legitimate interest in carrying out the necessary treatments for these purposes.



To whom will the data be communicated


Data for treatment purposes may be communicated to:

  • Third party suppliers of our company;
  • Third party customers of our company;
  • Banking Institutions, Tax Authorities, bodies responsible for checking tax obligations, lawyers and bodies of justice;
  • Service providers;
  • Authorities and/or public entities.

Communication and the transfer of data can also take place over one or more subjects operating outside the national territory and also outside the territory of the European Union.



Consequences of the failure to communicate data


Please note that, taking into account the purposes of the treatment as described above, the provision of data is mandatory and the failure to do so, partial or incorrect conferment may have, as a consequence, the impossibility to perform the contractual services. If the person concerned is under the age of 16, the treatment must be authorized by the holder of parental responsibility, for which the identification data and copy of the identification documents will be acquired.



Method of treatment


Personal Data Treatment will be carried out both with manual and computerized and telematic tools with organizational and processing logics strictly related to the above mentioned purposes and in any case in such a way as to guarantee the security, integrity and confidentiality of data in compliance with organizational, physical and logics provided for by the provisions in force. Your data may be stored either in paper or electronic archives. Your data are not subject to disclosure or to any fully automated decision-making process, including profiling.



Personal Data Retention


Personal data is kept for the entire duration of the contract and for ten years after the last invoice is issued, unless otherwise required by law.



Exercise of rights


At any time you can write to the Data Controller and Data Processor to exercise the following rights:

  • Access to your Personal Data;
  • Correction of your personal data if incorrect;
  • Cancellation of your personal data in the cases referred to by art. 17 GDPR;
  • Limitation of processing within the limits set forth by art. 18 GDPR;
  • Data portability as set by art. 20 GDPR;
  • Oppose to treatment as per art. 21 GDPR;
  • Not be subjected to automated processing as required by art. 22 GDPR;
  • Revoke consent, where provided: the withdrawal of consent does not affect the lawfulness of the treatment based on the consent granted before the revocation;
  • Propose a complaint to the supervisory authority (Privacy Guarantor).


Notice updated on the date of 31/03/2020





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Finanziamento concesso: € 8.530,00
Spesa ammessa: € 17.060,00
Descrizione: Wictor Srl vuole, attraverso questo progetto, rafforzare la propria immagine sul web, realizzando e mettendo in rete un nuovo sito "istituzionale" e un ulteriore sito completamente dedicato alle attività di e-commerce. Tali nuovi siti di Wictor srl saranno progettati e realizzati secondo i più moderni ed innovativi concetti di qualità e di efficacia di un sito WEB.
Obiettivo: Wictor Srl intende far crescere il proprio business tramite una forte presenza sul WEB. Essendo la società contemporanea sempre più legata a messaggi provenienti dalla rete, un’azienda al passo coi tempi non può più prescindere dall’utilizzare tutti gli strumenti a disposizione per attirare più clienti ed espandere il proprio business.
Risultati: L’obiettivo ultimo di Wictor Srl è quello di rafforzare la propria presenza su web entrando più facilmente in contatto con gli utenti target. Wictor Srl si attende un incremento di fatturato nel medio periodo grazie al forte consolidamento della propria competitività nel mercato globale.